Cingkrik is one of the Betawi silat styles. Because many of the movements in this style emphasize jumping with one leg (jejingkrikan in Betawi language), the style is referred to as Jingkrik or Cingkrik and is believed to be the fighting style of the rebel fighter Pitung.
During its development, Silat Cingkrik branched into several different styles, which have taken on the name of the individual teaching each particular system.
At this time there are two Cingkrik systems: Cingkrik Sinan and Cingkrik Goning.
It is said that the difference between these two styles is that Cingkrik Sinan not only teaches fighting techniques, but also inner power (in the Indonesian language: tenaga dalam). Meanwhile, the Goning system relies only on physical techniques. "This then, is one of the advantages of our system which can be learned by all people," says Tubagus Bambang Sudrajat, age 52, inheritor of the Cingkrik Goning silat system.
Engkong Goning, whose original name was Ainin bin Urim, was the person who established this particular style. Engkong, who was born in 1895 and died in 1975, taught his style of fighting to several people in the Jakarta neighborhoods of Rawa Belong, Kebon Jeruk, and Jembatan Dua in Harmoni. One of Engkong's students was Usup Utai, who continued to develop this style of silat in the area of Grogol. Before his death in 1993, Usup Utai passed on his knowledge to Bambang Sudrajat, who is now preserving it.
One unique characteristic of Silat Cingrik Goning, according to H. Nizam, a student of this style, is the use of one leg to deliver a deadly kick. "The hands wait on the enemy's attack," he says. Then, as the opponent falls, he is finished off with a kick.
Apart from this, Silat Cingkrik Goning relies on speed. "Unlike other styles, the techniques' steps are not counted out slowly," he says. When an attack is delivered, the response must come instantly and braak (wham): the opponent must fall to the ground.
The number of throwing techniques is another advantage of Silat Cingkrik Goning. Counting them all, there are around 80 techniques for throwing. All of which can be learned if one is patient and diligent enough to reach the higher levels of study in this system.
As a member of IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia), Cingkrik Goning has a level system using colored belts. From absolute beginner to red belt requires a maximum of seven years. During this time the student is only taught techniques derived from jurus (forms), which are used to resist incoming attacks. Afterward, the student learns throwing techniques by working with a partner who will attack him. This phase is called sambut (answering).
In the last phase of training, techniques for attack are taught. This phase of the training is referred to as "Jual-Beli" (buying and selling). At this phase, students are taught both how to attack and respond to a possible counter-attack. "So, when we attack, we win," said Bambang.
Training in Cingkrik Goning is offered at the Padepokan Pencak Silat in Pondok Gede. They train there every Saturday evening. Training is also available in Bekasi. Two months ago, shocking news arrived from Holland. An Indonesian citizen named Herry Masfar, who now lives in Amsterdam, confessed that he had studied Silat Cingkrik Goning.
Masfar said that he had studied Cingkrik Goning from a silat teacher named Rochimin, who was possibly a student of Engkong in the area of Kebon Jeruk in the 1950s. Since the 1960s, Masfar has been living in Amsterdam and began teaching his silat knowledge. He has even taught marines at the Dutch marine education center in Den Helder. He is planning to come to Indonesia this December to learn Cingrik Goning from the original source in Jakarta. If the Dutch marines are interested in learning this knowledge, why aren't we?
Taken from: silatindonesia.com
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