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Muay Thai

Filed under: , by: Donny

Muay Thai is traditional martial art that has been developed in Thailand. For many martial artists, Muay Thai also known as "the art of all members", because the practitioners (or fighters) almost use all of the body parts as their weapon in the competition. That body parts consist of hands, feet, elbows and knees.

The high kicks in the head seem to make a stronger effect in the competition. In spite of this, the special skilled fighter who has many experience in the tournament declare that the low kicks, the elbow attacks, and the knee attacks are more damageable and more causing destruction for the enemy.

The fighters who take part in the competition, especially whose native fighters from Thailand, usually do a long ceremony and an act established by custom before the fight. They usually do that due to the religious reasons. Despite it, that also useful for stretching the muscles and to make the fighters ready enough to fight in the tournament.

The training for Muay Thai is known for its being strong and its firmness. It aims to harden the eight parts of the body. So even they being hit with the shinbone, they will not be hurt. This because the Muay Thai fighters' shin is often being hit with a wood stick to make their shinbone hard enough. They usually kick with the shinbone instead of with the foot.

Muay Thai has influenced a lot on developing of the modern kickboxing which afterwards has been created in North America, Europe, and Japan.

Almost every act of moving in Muay Thai use the whole body, while turning the hip to every kick and every blow with the fist. As a result, the attacks and the defense in Muay Thai are slower than many other striking form martial arts but more powerful than those.